Teach Kids
Helping You Teach the Kids in Your Life
We found 10 episodes of Teach Kids with the tag “church”.
Episode 18: Not by Works
June 7th, 2021 | 4 mins 58 secs
amazinggrace, bible, children, christian, church, disciple, evangelism, god, gospel, grace, jesus, kids, ministry, parent, teach, train
Life itself can overtly teach kids that good behavior wins favor and bad behavior wins punishment, so why wouldn’t God be that way too? This episode gives several tips to help you counter this misconception and enable the child to comprehend amazing grace.
Episode 17: Stories with a Purpose
June 4th, 2021 | 4 mins 58 secs
bible, children, christian, church, disciple, evangelism, god, gospel, jesus, kids, ministry, parent, stories, teach, train
This episode helps you make the most out of Bible story time. Whether it's the bedtime story or other time story, God can use it to speak to your child's heart about something happening in her life or give her understanding about an aspect of the gospel.
Episode 16: Long on Endurance
May 31st, 2021 | 4 mins 30 secs
bible, children, christian, church, disciple, discouragement, evangelism, god, hitthewall, jesus, kids, ministry, parent, teach, train
Parenting or working in children's ministry can feel like an endurance race. When you feel like you're hitting that discouragement "wall", review these five facts to help you break through that wall instead.
Episode 15: Gospel Parenting
May 28th, 2021 | 4 mins 30 secs
bible, children, christian, church, disciple, evangelism, god, gospel, jesus, kids, ministry, parent, teach, train
This episode give four practical ways you can demonstrate the gospel in your parenting. It will help your kids understand the gospel on a deeper level and be able to trust God with their lives.
Episode 14: Five Areas of Health
May 24th, 2021 | 4 mins 29 secs
bible, children, christian, church, disciple, evangelism, god, health, jesus, kids, ministry, parent, spiritual, teach, train
A wholistic view of the person includes five areas of health. In addition to physical, there’s mental, emotional, social and spiritual health. All aspects of health inform the others, either supporting or tearing down. If we are ill in any one of them, every other aspect of health suffers. God gave us the responsibility to nurture every aspect of children.
Episode 13: Helping Kids Overcome Anxiety
May 21st, 2021 | 4 mins 29 secs
anxiety, bible, calm, children, christian, church, disciple, evangelism, god, jesus, kids, ministry, parent, quiet, teach, train
Overcoming anxiety is an important skill to equip kids with before they launch in life. As we saw in 2020, the world can throw some pretty big curve balls but we need to learn how, like the Psalmist said, to "calm and quiet my soul."
Episode 12: Helping Kids Overcome Hardship
May 17th, 2021 | 4 mins 29 secs
bible, children, christian, church, disciple, evangelism, god, hardship, jesus, kids, ministry, parent, teach, train
We know that when kids grow up and leave home, they will encounter increasingly greater hardship. How will they respond? We can't totally prepare them but there are things we can do to train and prepare them better than if we do nothing.
Episode 11: Protecting Relationship During Misbehavior
April 23rd, 2021 | 4 mins 58 secs
bible, children, christian, church, disciple, discipline, evangelism, god, jesus, kids, love, ministry, misbehave, parent, teach
Four ways to help kids feel loved, liked, and accepted even when you must deliver consequences for misbehavior.
Episode 10: Reaching Gen Z -- The Answer
April 23rd, 2021 | 4 mins 58 secs
bible, children, christian, church, club, disciple, evangelism, god, jesus, kids, ministry, parent, public school, teach
Every consecutive generation is in church less and knows less about the Bible. We can no longer wait for them to come to church but need to go where they are--the public school.
Episode 9: Good News about COVID-19
April 23rd, 2021 | 4 mins 30 secs
bible, children, christian, church, club, covid, covid-19, disciple, evangelism, god, jesus, kids, ministry, pandemic, parent, teach
Although the pandemic has resulted in tragic loss, God has used it in ways that will also result in millions more coming to saving grace. Only He can turn tragedy to triumph!